BHS 156F
CryoFrequency . HImFU
With its TrackScreen technology and advanced management software, this device streamlines the application of therapies for optimal results. Achieving remarkable outcomes in tightening and reduction, it combines two excellent treatments: CryoFrequency and HImFU.

Fighting localized adiposity has never been easier.

Transforming lives with the power of cold and radiofrequency technology.
One device, multiple benefits.
Touchscreen Display.
With a pivoting system.
Web Management Platform.
24hs remote management and geolocation of the equipment.
Application Software.
Intuitive and multi-language design.
Track Screen System.
Allows visualization of parameters directly on the handheld applicator.
Learn all about our therapies
Enjoy the Body Health experience
Design & Innovation
Our team of physicians, industrial designers, and engineers are in charge of market research to be always at the forefront.
Quality & Technology
Body Health’s line of appliances undergoes a manufacturing process that achieves the highest quality standards, incorporating the best technology.
Worldwide Presence
Thanks to our commitment to excellence, we have established a presence in over 45 countries worldwide.